Wednesday, February 25, 2009

loser moustaches

Man oh man, sorry for the absence. I've been hanging down South for a few weeks, and as it so happens a whole lot of stuff has happened since I last wrote. I've jived with some great movers and shakers who are doing great things for the music industry, dined alongside US bigwigs who indicated that a LOT of A&R shaped heads will roll at one of the majors before SXSW, hung with people with really, really stupid moustaches and egos to match and of course, spent time with some very talented friends. I have also become one of the many now OBSESSED with Spotify, as it fulfills all of my Prince, Stevie Wonder and Hall & Oates needs on a daily basis, but more on that another time. 

Enough business though, lets talk leaks and music for self professed geeks.

This past week the Kelly Clarkson album and Yeah Yeah Yeahs recordings were flung premature into the world, and joy of joys they are both very, very good. Clarkson rocks out like she never has before, it's so rock'n'roll it's like musical bondage. So fashionable, that Kelly. Alexander Wang will be salivating and dying to dress you. Track down 'Whyyawannabringmedown' and feel the guilt mingling with joy. I downloaded it today and have since listened to it seventy five times.

Nick Zinner and Co bring us some more mellow songs, with the Yeah Yeah Yeahs great and beautiful new work. I have yet to find a song on the record I don't want to make my own constant, soothing soundtrack. One for 2009's best of's already? Yup.

In older news, I have been digging Black Milk's record. The rapper brings game like he's repping Bad Boy back in the day and for that, if I had a cap, I would tilt it towards him with respect. Check out 'Losin' Out', and try not to nod your head, try hard.

If you hadn't already heard , by the by, the new Jamie T ( 'Fire' is so Beastie Boys I could cry with excitement), Maccabees (I could listen to 'No Kind Words' the National-esque song in question ALL day) and Metric (Oh Em, you can do no wrong) songs are wonderful and amazing. The new Jack Penate is not garnering much love from me, but hey Ottoman-lite works for some people...Pleasant news is that you can aurally manifest yourself with all of these tunes, as they are all abundantly free and available on the Internet. While you're out there I'd download Katy Perry's version of Sam Sparro's 'Black and Gold', for a haunting and dare I say "soulful" take on an otherwise crappy song. It's Perry rocking it like the choir girl she secretly still wishes she was, all bare, delicate and pretty.

Keeping on the pretty vibe (as in pretty awesome), The Pains of Being Pure at Heart have been killing it on Hype Machine lately and they in fact embody ALL the aspects of every 90's/early 00's teen movie soundtrack you adored, but new and now. I don't often buy albums, but this one is rough and poppy, has great bass lines AND Little Death/Pavement-esque vocals. So what I'm trying to say is that the band have created an album I'm in love with. I want to romance, wine and dine The Pains Of Being Pure at Heart. Please, do yourself a favour and listen? Fall in love and let your limbs have fun. Kids who like this type of awesome will also likely love Bishop Allen, also known as the band featured at Arlene's in Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist. While you're in this "checking out new music vibe" why not check out the new Phoenix track? '1901' warms my heart just right.

I think, that's enough to send you off in a flurry of excitement, because while none of these are HOT OFF THE PRESS bands, I think there's music in this post for everyone to like and love/hold cherish/insert gross cliche here...

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

green tea: pretty awesome or pretty gross?

So I admit, I am not immune to the plaid mafia (thank Nevan/ The City). I do own one Bon Iver song ("Creature Fear"). I do sometimes find myself humming the icky stick in your head chorus of "Quicksand" of La Roux fame, at times. Sometimes though, I do also dabble in good music. Here are some examples:

1. Singer. 

This Chicago band have all of what I desire in a rock band. They remind me of the Dirty Projectors, but a little more minimal. It's very simple music, and I bet they're the kind of band Opening Ceremony would play in their New York store-embodying their ethos of being endlessly hip and ethereal, but not that accessible. Rad.

Click on. The first song you'll hear is a cover of "Winter Wonderland", which is so lovely in its subtle indie glory I swear this is the kind of song Vanessa from Gossip Girl would play in Rufus' gallery cafe around Christmas, while she pines for Nate/Dan (she's so fickle, WHY would ANYONE like Dan. Such a loser.) Anyway, A Weather play beautiful, smart, emotive music. Pretty pianos and acute beats play well with the hushed male-female vocals. The only thing I take issue with is that the songs on the myspace all sound quite similar. I'd be really interested to see if and when they mix things up a little more, as there is lots of potential here. RAC should do a remix, it'd undoubtably be awesome.

For those who don't obsess over Saddle Creeks roster, this band are the best noveau Hold Steady for those who don't like the Hold Steady ever. Big, with Tim Kasher-esque vocals, and a healthy dose of good old American rock too. Can you say exciting? Crappy production creates a barrier that I'd imagine once removed in a live forum would be amazing. Despite/As well as a name that sounds a tad bit dirty, they excite me greatly.

I am intrigued by this band. They are musically schizophrenic. Coldplay on LSD? Keane on crack? I can't decide. Take the keyboards, take the kind of weird vocal, I can't decide whether I love or hate it. That said, I am still listening, so that must count for something right? Right.

I know his record is pretty old now, but I love it. It got little to no recognition when it was released and I believe it to be one of the best records of 2008. Field Manual is a fantastic effort loaded with rockier elements of Wallas day job- Death Cab For Cutie. Essentially this means Field Manual is a great pop album with indie rock sensibilities in regards to production and composition, which is at once scuzzy and neat. The vocals pleasing and distinctive, and the melodies catchy and intelligent. For a taster why not download 'The Score" or "Everyone Needs A Home", and perhaps you too will share in the warm fuzzy feeling that the record gives me. Please do buy it. Barsuk (Chris Walla's very own label) needs you my friends, and if you order things from their website they send you wonderful extras, including stickers, patches and other neat surprises complimentary with your musical bundles of joy. Why? Barsuk are just great like that. Release some more records soon though, okay guys?

Soon, we visit more bands, more accessible and a little more pop. One band even sounds LOTS like Tokyo Police Club. How exciting is that? I can't wait!

Monday, February 9, 2009

explosions in the night

Before I get on with chatting up little bands I’ve found myself loving later in the week, I thought I’d take a minute to talk about a few of the buzz bands people are talking about for this year. The term buzz band puts off a lot of people I find, especially when they’re lumped into “movements” (lets not even talk about “Thamesbeat”) this year is no different with electro-pop being all the rage. However we’re not talking Erol Alkan style beats (in my opinion his latest effort on the Late of The Pier album blows) we’re talking La Roux, Little Boots and Passion Pit. A good friend of mine saw a young, young man by the name of Archeo Price play a while ago at a YoYo, slick, so very eighties and by my estimations totally loaded. Dude had better packaging for his demo than most major label bands have for their priority releases. In any case I found his music to be pretty rad, so if you like Prince, MJ and all that fun stuff I encourage fitting him in between ‘Part Time Lover’ and- deep breath- MGMT.

I personally think La Roux and Little Boots both suck, so can’t really go into more detail about their music other than to say if you thought Adele or Katy Perry were overexposed last year you will be sick of the sight of those two ladies by this years end. I like the eighties, but really I can only take a little bit of regurgitation at a time.

Disregarding eighties musical bulimia for a moment, lets talk Passion Pit. I really quite enjoy them on record, and of all the Neon Gold stuff, they’re clearly the ones that match what’s going on right now best. They find a way of giving beats some sort of heart, which is pretty rare. Most bands of this musical ilk tend to go all Klaxons on us and talk about rainbows, fireworks, k-holes and other narcotic themed oddities, but the tale of Passion Pit is quite sweet and that remains at the heart of what they do. The story goes that the bands front man recorded a mix cd for his girlfriend as a gift (take THAT Bon Iver), which then became their much talked about EP, featuring breakout track 'Sleepyhead'. This EP then circulated beyond their Berklee-Emerson-Boston crowd to Goodweatherforairstrikes wunderkid Derek Davies who then heard and hailed it. Many expensive meals and drinks with labels later, here they are, on our shores ready for adoration. The blogosphere seems to have a massive crush on them, and while having seen them play one of their first shows in New York back in August 2008 not being too impressed, I have a fair amount of hope that on their current UK endeavour with Brooklyn’s Bear Hands (who are a pretty super indie rock band) they will have improved, haven taken mighty strides towards having a real live presence. Fingers crossed for the magic to permeate the world outside of the internet, I’m hoping for something special…rest assured though that much like the Shins before them they are destined to be every college kids favourite band to name drop, every indie soundtracks essential and the sample to many an advert in times soon to come. Excited? Kel would say "mmmhmmm".

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Goodness me it's been a long time!

Since I last wrote many new labels have been born, new bands have appeared, some glittering gems, some gross gross weirdos, all the usual types have been out to play. Kids have started wearing lots of plaid again, weeping in forests, skinny jeans are still in, hair is still big, facial hair is a must. It's Justin Vernons world and we're just living in it. 
We have a global economic crisis and bands that fit the murky times ahead, old bands making good again and baby bands being born as you read and I write.

I feel as I did when I started this blog it's only right to talk about new bands first, ones that you may not have heard of. So if boredom strikes you have something fun to entertain your ears with one or all of the following...


Some of the above are signed, some are not. All of them will make you smile, I hope. More will come soon, with the added novelty of descriptions, photos, drawings and all the magical things you can enjoy on a million other blogs, but choose to right here. 
So until then, enjoy the joy, embrace the space, stay warm, comfortable and plugged in.
