Monday, May 25, 2009

i want to go to yale and be like rory gilmore.

hello hello.

I am in the midst of studying for exams and for the most part I have forgotten how to engage in regular conversation (the inside of my head currently sounds like a Blood Brothers album played backwards.) So here's hoping this brief post comes across as punchy, short and sweet and not lacking, nonsensical and just plain weird. 

Watch me try to type coherently:

Clues are awesome. They're made up of members of possibly the best band that ever came from Montreal, Unicorns. They're a little Pavement, a little Good Life and a touch Of Montreal. They take a few listens to get into as the songs are pretty complex, but give it a chance okay?

These guys sound like the Horrors or maybe the Klaxons album that the record label never let them release. It's not my thing, but if you are a fan of spider webby Black Wire-esque post garage rock, behold.

A little like Larrakin Love....and then they get a bit Postal Servicey. I don't know what to make of them, but they're playing a lot over the summer so I'm going to try catch them. The production is whack, but maybe live the songs will find their feet.

For the electro-pop beat lover in us all (yes, all) this is the best side project in a long, long while. Try and guess who make up this band whilst you listen?

Like the folk revival of late? You will like Spindle and Wit. Endearing, non-preachy and hopeful. It could stand to be better vocally, but the underlying hope of the songs make me want to believe that (again) live this could be pretty good.

Weak post. Weak week to come. Sigh.
Post June 4th come bigger, brighter and better things.
Until the jump.

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