Taking us quite appropriately down the soulful path, I give to you now my favourite new hip hop artists.
Before we continue down this route, I must explain to you that my taste in hip hop music is awful. I really like Lil Bow Wows' collaboration with Jagged Edge 'Puppy Love'. That song has been my excuse for non committal relationships since it came out ("I'm just too young to get down like THAT"). Fabs record 'Trade It All', is a total dream of a love song in my eyes. Mya and Blackstreets' 'Take Me There' from the Rugrats Movie soundtrack is my favourite lullaby. I even think Pink's first album is a great hip pop album, 'Split Personality' being one of my favourite songs by a female singer ever. I think you're getting the picture.
So with this in mind, if you're still with me, I forge on.
From Philadelphia we have this neat rap-electro foursome. Rap-electro sounds a fair bit crap doesn't it? Aye. This however is a little different, I'd like to think this is more Kanye-lite than Ghostland Observatory. I don't think they're quite there with their production, but I think hip hop that samples is never super unless Jermaine Dupri/ P Diddy/ Rick Rubin/ Russell Simmons have blessed it and/or injected $100, ooo+ into it. All this said, essentially this is catchy stuff that I believe fans of Lupe Fiasco and ABX will enjoy. Turn up the bass once more.
Okay, so this is more Gang Gang Dance than hip hop. Shoot me.
I'm sorry, that was a bit crass.
Oh Snap is a phrase I've always wished I could pull off saying without sounding like a wannabe American Valley Girl. It's never worked. This band actually kind of annoy me, however they have moments of greatness (see 'So Dynamite').
You know when you're in a club, and they're playing such mind numbing music you begin to think you're acclimatizing to the crap and can kind of find your groove in some songs because you just HAVE too? Oh Snap are the band you'd sort of end up liking, and then hating yourself for liking. I hate myself right now. I should stop writing about them.
I will.
I feel dirty.
G-Eazy. Click on the link. Just look at him. How much do you want to punch this kid in the face?
Hold off for a second, give the kick in track about 15 seconds. It's actually pretty good right?
It's a tad bit Gym Class Heroes, I'm not going to lie, but I really enjoy the rapping over the track. As the songs progress, they just get better and they're all real growers. So don't hate, appreciate a bit. I'm gonna give you some real hip hop in just a moment.
For fans of the 'Drop it Like It's Hot' style of hip hop. I ask firstly, why are you reading this blog? Secondly I say, you will love Concept. He is a super slick producer and kind of dirty sounding. I can hear hips gyrating to this song in those weird shiny leggings/skirts girls are rocking these days, I can see boxers from all the trousers riding low. Check him out, pair him with a few drinks and he'll totally get you laid.
This guy is very much like the guy above. However, he is way more obscene. This is my favourite type of hip hop. Really derogatory, really dirty and really base. He has women panting in Britney -esque ways and sounds a whole lot at Timbaland at times. Good, bad and offensive, where is Perez Hilton? Like really? Are you guys feeling this stuff? I'm curious.
Everyone loves this guy. He's a Neon Gold homeboy, so really, what's not to love? His Charming Mixtape is radical. I like him a whole lot. Download all his stuff free off the web, it's kicking about. I hear he's totally the new Kanye West, so why not join become part of the hype machine before Jo Whiley makes it her business to be more on it than you are?
High fives all around.
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