Monday, March 2, 2009

i'm on a boat

Hello ladies, gentle friends, this fine afternoon we will explore new music! 

While I have listened to pretty much nothing other than Andy Samberg and T Pain's wonder "I'm On A Boat" lately, in order to not be a total joke of a human being I have been tapping my finger along to some lovely talented new folk at regular intervals. None of these guys would be out of place on a teen movie soundtrack, so as you can imagine are pretty poppy, but just cool enough that Peyton Sawyer would totally advocate them. Like she did with Lavender Diamond that one time. I hate Peyton, she's clearly the worst character ever, but that's besides the point.

Elizabeth and the Catapult are one act who I've liked for a while, from Brooklyn as are most great new acts these days, she's one of the only girl singers I enjoy at the moment. She's very Hotel Cafe, pop and acoustic with a bit of a "sassy" edge. I enjoy 'Momma's Boy' and her other songs a lot. She's the kind of girl you wish would stumble upon playing one of the many open mic nights that go on. Alas, I do not live in Brooklyn so this will not happen. If you do, or are going to SXSW, check her out and report back okay?

Lots of people have been talking about Dent May lately, and I can see why. If you're down with lots of eclecticism and music that isn't easy to listen to, but is still inherently "pop" his music might be a match for you. I want to compare him to someone, but I can't really. SPIN magazine recently said ukeleles are the next big thing in music (thanks Noah and The Whale) and Dent uses a lot of them, in a much less twee way, which is quite interesting. I feel this'll appeal to fans of my beloved Coconut Records, and generally mellowed out people. I'm sending good vibes his way.

If you like old punk, like the Cramps, Black Flag and the such like, I very much encourage listening to Wicked Awesomes. If you don't like the bands mentioned, chances are you will NOT like this music. It's abrasive, but fun, and makes me think of Trash and Vaudeville in NYC and the awesome dude who owns it. Seeing as creepers are, like, totally in right now maybe this kind of punk will catch on again too? I'd like that a whole lot.

So onto indie rock, and hand in hand, Canada. The Danks produce the sort of melodic noise that makes everyone swoon (note: Broken Social Scene/Bear Hands fans will love them). The Danks produce perfect and intelligent poppy lyrics and melodies and generally are a joy to listen to. The Danks are just dreamy. I'm swooning somewhere up above the clouds.

Blind Pilot take this indie vibe a step further. We're talking acoustic dudes from Portland. They've got a bit of an E Smith vibe going on, Two Gallants a little also. Definitely poignant soundtrack music for the Good Will Hunting's of the world. I predict Alex Patsavas falling head over heels for them and putting them on Gossip Girl. Mark my words.

I actually can't remember whether I've talked about Target Market before, but for fans of the previously mentioned Little Death, Pains of Being Pure At Heart and Bishop Allen, you may well love this noisy pop gang from St Louis. Furrow your brow and shake your head, and enjoy the noise if so.

Enough for now- I'm going to go listen to the Cardigans and Land of Talk, feel the Spring sunshine outside my window. 

Have the best of times.


Giles Maffett said...

Blind Pilots are making my evening, thank you. If they go on Gossip Girl it'd be as bad as Tilly and the Wall on 90210.

Zara Meerza said...

YOU watch 90210?!